A Little About Us

Welcome to Garlic Lane! Our passion for organically sourced
foods and garlic led us to a beautiful 10-acre farm located in Chewelah, where our official garlic farm was born. Our farm is a true labor of love. All our garlic is hand planted and handled with love.

We sell a variety of organically sourced garlic that is perfect
for your table, garlic seeds to plant in your garden, and available as wholesale for your store or restaurant.

Garlic Lane is deeply committed to growing beautiful, delicious, organic garlic, one bulb at a time.

Welcome to our Farm

Planted November 2022

  • Organically Grown Garlic

    We are committed to providing only the best garlic there is! That's why our garlic is organically sourced, grown, and handled. Our bulbs are full of aroma and just plain taste better.

  • Garlic Varieties for Purchase

    We sell a wide variety of garlic seeds that are sure to be crowd pleasers! Our farm currently offers Chesnok Red Seed Garlic, Inchelium Red Seed Garlic, Music Seed Garlic, Purple Glazer Seed Garlic, and Spanish Roja Seed Garlic.

  • Why is our garlic so good?

    Have you heard the term "labor of love" before? That's what our garlic is--a true labor of love! Each and every bulb is hand planted, handled, and packaged by our family to ensure the quality and integrity of the bulb is only the best!